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2020 DDS Fun Bunch (Ages 4-7)

Temperature Checks & Masks:

All athletes are required to be temperature checked prior to each training.  Any athlete that has a temperature of 100F or greater will not be eligible to practice that session.  Every athlete is expected to bring a mask that is to be worn while not running in addition to keeping a safe distance from each other.  


DDS Fun Bunch is a fun and interactive training session for our small athletes ages 4-7.  The purpose of this program is to create fun high energy sessions while also learning the fundamentals of track & field and healthy lifestyles.  All activities will be age appropriate.  We foster an encouraging climate to help your child achieve success.  


This program meets once per week on Saturday from 10:00 am - 11:00 am. 


Registration Costs

Registration is currently closed for Fun Bunch.  

Registration (no cost for current member athletes):

$25 (Monthly, 1st of each month begins a new month)

$8 (per session)


​No prorated registration and No refunds.


Your athlete will begin after your payment has been received. 


We look forward to having you as part of the DDS Athlete's Family.


  • Fun Bunch T-Shirt (Monthly Registration Required)

  • All practice/conditioning equipment 

  • All practices and training 

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